Pendragon Multi-Sensory Centre, North Allerton
July 2016, The Pendragon Multi Sensory Centre in Northallerton, a specialist centre charged with making real differences to the lives of those with physical, mental and emotional difficulties, opened its doors for the first time on 4th July 2016.
The new multi-sensory centre is owned and operated by the Pendragon Community Trust, formed by a group of parents and carers together with other compassionate and committed professionals. Their aim is to fill the gap in day service provision for people with learning and profound disabilities, by providing a stimulating range of therapeutic and developmental activities.
Fundraising for the Pendragon Centre began more than twelve years ago and on opening day Chairman of the Pendragon Community Trust, David Kerfoot said: “It’s been an emotional day, it has been hard to keep back the tears at times. So many people have helped to bring the Pendragon Centre to where it is, It’s all paid for, now all we have to do is raise the money to keep it going. The need is so great - the Centre fulfils a really important role”.
Case Studies04-Jul-2016 13:54:04