With the latest government advice changing back to 'Work from Home, if you can', is it time to put a cloud-based CRM at the heart of your business?
A cloud based CRM (Customer Relationship Management) at the heart of your business allows your entire team working on-site or off site or any combination of both easy access to a centralised database of contacts, typically customers, clients, suppliers etc.
It allows your business to seamlessly join all of the different departments and teams together in a single, readily accessible solution, perfect for teams working remotely from the office whilst others are working at, in or around the office.
Hubspot CRM appears in almost every Top 10 review for CRM's and here's why every business should be using a CRM, particularly during this global pandemic.
Most CRM's will provide all of the features we have mentioned. We love Hubspot CRM because it also offers;
Visit our Hubspot CRM web page to find out more.