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Website Design is important for SEO - here's why?

Everyone should have a Well Designed, Easy to Navigate Website, this sounds obvious, right? After all it’s not 1994…..

You’d be surprised how many websites are exactly the opposite, not well designed and do not have obvious navigation. If you're want to improve your website's search-engine ranking, a well designed, easy to navigate website is essential.

TV adverts will regularly tell you how quick and easy it is to design your own website, and they certainly make it look very easy. However unless you have a designer’s eye or designer skills, there is a danger your company website will look like it has been designed very badly or even look unfinished.

We think it is also really important to get your website working for your business, particularly if you are a manufacturer of a product or a company providing services. A well designed website will serve to advertise your company's products and services but it should also engage visitors, working for you to turn strangers in to prospects and prospects into leads and ultimately customers.

A well designed website will also educate and engage visitors with informative content and ultimately build trust, separating your company from its competitors. Your website should also incorporate tools to recognise returning visitors and present smart, personalised, contextual content to encourage your visitors onwards through their buyer's journey.

Landing pages, Call to Actions, Smart Forms, Pop Ups, chat boxes and more are now considered essential tools to get your new website really working for you.

And if you're thinking it's time to update your website (then it probably is...), perhaps we can help?

Nick Spalding
Post by Nick Spalding
04-Apr-2018 08:00:09
I am dedicated to enabling smart success for others, emphasising the power of creative problem-solving and the importance of providing clarity. By leveraging my strengths, throughout my career, I have excelled in diverse roles, thanks to my meticulous attention to detail and comprehensive understanding of business dynamics. You can trust that I consistently deliver value through my experience and expertise.
