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Here is your online Brand Book. If you require any additional assistance please do not hesitate to get in touch.
These are the approved versions of the corporate logo. The full colour version should be used wherever possible. Exceptions are single colour or black and white documentation where the ‘monotone’ version should be used or when the logo is positioned on a dark background where the ‘reverse’ should be used.
Corporate Logo Default, Full Colour
PNG with tagline / without tagline
EPS with tagline / without tagline
AI with tagline / without tagline
These are the the guidelines for use of the approved corporate logo. The full colour version should be used wherever possible. Exceptions are single colour or black and white documentation where the ‘monotone’ version should be used or when the logo is positioned on a dark background where the ‘reverse’ should be used.
These are the approved versions of the corporate icons for use as a favicon, social media icons and when a full size logo is not applicable or suitable for use. The full colour version should be used wherever possible. Exceptions are single colour or black and white documentation where the ‘monotone’ version should be used or when the icon is positioned on a dark background where the ‘reverse’ should be used.
Noto Sans and Serif are fonts chosen from the Google Fonts collection. This allows them to be used for digital marketing and offline marketing to present a consistent brand identity.
The Serif family provides typographic interest and is used for headlines, titles etc. The Sans family is a clean and elegant font for body copy that is easy to read.
Social media profiles should be consistent across platforms. This means icons, header images and descriptions match and attention to detail should be placed upon ensuring brand name and contact details are entirely consistent.
An example selection of brand imagery is displayed below and can be downloaded in high resolution.
The theme of the images is to suggest fun, exciting, gaming environments and technology, representative of environments in which Willow products might be used.
Vivid reds, purples, greens and yellows are a feature of the imagery, soft pastel tones should be avoided.
This is the main corporate colour used for emphasis on the full colour logo version of the logo. It can be used for highlighting copy (headlines, headings, link active and hover states). There are also a number of darker and lighter shades below for contrasting.
The secondary colour palette is tonally compatible with the main corporate colour. These colours can be used for emphasis, to define individual product group or for charts, illustrations etc.
These are the Black and Grey Specifications that should be used.